Mr. Victor Onyejiuwa revealed damning evidence against the former Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele. Onyejiuwa, the Managing Director of The Source Computers Limited, was a key witness in Emefiele’s trial, accused of various forms of corruption totaling billions of dollars.

His testimony painted a vivid picture of institutional corruption within the CBN. Onyejiuwa alleged that he was pressured by CBN officials to pay a staggering $600,000 bribe in order to receive payment for a contract his company had executed. This revelation sent shockwaves through the courtroom, shedding light on the murky world of backdoor dealings and under-the-table transactions.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) wasted no time in presenting additional evidence against Emefiele. Documents were tendered, detailing financial transactions and interactions between CBN officials and external parties. Clement Ngolu, a compliance officer with Zenith Bank, provided crucial testimony, corroborating Onyejiuwa’s claims and further implicating Emefiele in the alleged corruption.

Ngolu’s testimony underscored the collaboration between financial institutions and law enforcement agencies in uncovering financial impropriety. He detailed how Zenith Bank responded to requests from the EFCC, providing statements of accounts and other financial records crucial to the investigation. The meticulous documentation presented in court left little room for doubt regarding the veracity of the allegations against Emefiele.

As the trial progressed, more witnesses came forward, each adding another layer to the narrative of corruption at the CBN. An IT contractor testified to similar experiences, recounting how he too was coerced into paying bribes to CBN officials in exchange for contract payments. The contractor’s testimony provided insight into the systemic nature of corruption within the institution, highlighting how even routine business transactions were tainted by illegal practices.

One of the most shocking revelations came from John Ikechukwu Ayoh, a former director at the CBN. Ayoh testified to collecting a $600,000 bribe on behalf of Emefiele, further implicating the former governor in the scandal. Despite claiming loyalty to the bank and the Nigerian nation, Ayoh’s testimony painted a picture of an institution rife with corruption, where personal gain often took precedence over public service.

Throughout the trial, Emefiele and his co-defendant vehemently maintained their innocence, pleading not guilty to the charges against them. However, the mounting evidence presented by the prosecution seemed to paint a different picture, one of pervasive corruption and abuse of power within the highest echelons of Nigeria’s financial institutions.

As the case was adjourned until May 17 for further proceedings, the nation watched with bated breath, eager to see justice served and accountability upheld. The Emefiele trial had become more than just a legal proceeding; it was a reckoning with the pervasive corruption that had long plagued Nigeria’s financial sector.